With Cloud Forms you can create and edit forms reflecting the changes in the actual App. This doesn't require the user to download it again. You can also view all the received mails from the Cloud.
Login to the Cloud from your App of choice and click on the Form section:
Once inside you can create a new form by clicking on "New Form." Just type in a name for the form and press "Create":
If you want to edit the new form name, or simply delete it, you can do this by placing the cursor over the new element and clicking on your option of interest:
Just double click on the created Form element in order to define its settings. Once inside you can define the mail you want the forms data to be sent to, and the message that is displayed to the user after sending it out:
To define the fields that the form holds, just click on "New Field". Each field has to have the same name as the input field on the App or else the data will not be sent correctly. So if your Apps form has three fields(name, age and phone) the field names on the Clouds Form have to be the same.
In order to create a new field just click on "New Field", type in the correct reference name and that is all. By placing the cursor over an existing element you can delete or edit it:
In order to delete many fields at the same time, just click and drag in order to select all the elements you want and then drag them to the upper bar. This works both for fields and complete forms:
To connect the form to an App from Mobincube just click on the properties of the submitting element and select your form from cloud forms: