The Cloud allows you to create administrators that will be able to modify the information stored on the Cloud. You create administrators for a certain App, so if you access the Cloud and then a certain App and create an administrator for that App, that new user would only have access to that App. A new administrator will never be able to create an administrator himself.
First we access the Cloud and the App that we want to create a user for:
Once you have accessed the App you want to work with, click on Users administration:
Once inside the Users administration section, you can edit the information about current users, remove them or create new ones:
In order to remove an existing user, simply click on the "x" of the upper right corner of the white rectangle icon for that user:
If you want to edit the username for an existing user, you have to delete it and create a new one. But if you want to edit the password of an existing user simply click on it and enter the new password, confirm it and click on save:
To create a new user just click on the "+" icon, define a new username and password, confirm the password and click send:
If this app has clevertap activated, there will be another field, CleverTap email and it should be the email used to open a free clevertap account.
Now, when the created user access to the cloud, in Notifications will appear the direct access to this app clevertap notifications.