With the RSS section of the Cloud you can update both RSS news categories as well as the articles they hold. Modifying, adding or removing any of these is done in a fast and easy way.
Login to the Cloud from your App of choice and click on the RSS section:
Click on "New RSS" in order to create a new RSS category of articles. Just type in a name for the category of articles and click on create:
Once created a new RSS category, you can delete or edit it by placing your cursor over it and clicking on your option of choice:
If you directly doubleclick on an RSS category, you access it. Once inside you can add, remove or edit existing articles of that category. This is done in the same way as that for the RSS category. For each article you can define a title, emission date and its content as text:
Notice that after any change, in order to confirm it and reflect the change in the actual App you must click on the "Publish" icon. This icon will change into a confirmation symbol:
In order to remove many elements at the same time, just click and drag to select the elements and then drag them all to the upper bar: