In Mobincube we can handle two types of data:
- Static data: Text and images, (uploaded locally from your computer through the Resource Manager). These are elements that are usually the same in the App. They never change.
- Dynamic: Text, Images, videos, audio, database. These are stored on a database (remote or local) and will be different in the same section of the app, depending on the filtering of the data before displaying them.
In Mobincube data can be stored in two ways:
- Local: The local data is uploaded to the app when creating it. It won’t change.
In order to be edited, the app must be modified in Mobincube and republished and downloaded by users.
- Remote: Instead of uploading the content when creating the app, you will upload a URL which points to the data which is on Mobincube's Cloud.
You can use the Cloud to edit this data at anytime and the user won't have to reinstall the app in order to view the changes.
Mobincube apps have 5 items that can be updated:
- Images: We can upload images to Mobincube by using local or remote files.
- Databases: It allows us to manage any database of the App in remote, so that you don’t have to publish the app again and the users can see the changes reflected in the App automatically.
- Online texts: If we want to be able to update a text content, just select the item “Online text” from the Detail screen.
- RSS: The RSS screen can be updated just by changing the URL content. Besides, the Cloud allows to create RSS without needing any specific knowledge.
- Forms: It’s possible to create forms from the Cloud. These will help us to have a registry of the information given by the App users.
More info about How to use the Cloud is on Youtube: Cloud & Push notifications