This guide will walk you through the steps required to make and publish your first App.
Mobincube gives you the chance to publish your App in different Markets such as:
- Mobincube
- Google Play
- App Store
- Market Place
NOTE: Before publishing to each Market, it is mandatory to publish the App first to the Mobincube Market.
You can publish your Apps to Mobincube for FREE.
- To publish your App on the Mobincube Market go to the PUBLISH navigation menu in the Mobincube section
- Then click on the button: Finish and Publish
- When the publication is finished, you will receive a URL for downloading and a QR code to share among your contacts so that they can download the app.
NOTE: The apps published in Mobincube Market only are compatible with ANDROID and HTML5 devices. To make the app work with iOS or Windows phone devices, you will have to publish the App in the App Store and Market Place markets.
More in Publish App en Mobincube
To publish to Google Play, go to the PUBLISH navigation menu in the Google Play section.
- The first step is to open an Android Developer Account. The price is a one-time fee of 25 €/$.
- Once we are in the Google Play Publishing panel, we have to download the APK.
NOTE: The APK downloaded is in a ZIP format. You will have to unzip the content and then send it to the Market (only the .apk file).
- Finally you can access to your Google Developer account: and upload the application onto your Developer Console.
Read the following guide: How to publish an Android app with your own developer account
Please, read this important announcement about latest app store publication policies
You only can publish under you own developer account
In this case, Apple requires a payment of 99,99 euros/dollars per year, if you publish under your own developer account.
You will need a Mac computer to generate the certificates required, in order to generate the IPA you´ll need:
- .p12
- Provisioning profile
Also, a developer account is necessary in order to activate the PUSH NOTIFICATIONS.
Here more information about how to publish in your account:
Publish App In App Store Under your own developer license
4. PUBLISH TO MARKETPLACE (No longer supported)
You can Publish your app to the MARKETPLACE only under your own developer account.
More in the guide: Publish App In Marketplace