To publish an Android app on Google Play under your own developer account, just follow the next steps:
1. Finish your app on Mobincube
2. Download the .apk
3. Access your Google Developer account and click on: "Create App"
4. A pop up will be shown to ask you to introduce the Title, Description and all the images that are asked of the APP that you want to publish.
5. Now just click on "Upload APK" and Select the .apk you already downloaded from Mobincube and then activate it.
Now, you are on the 'APK’ tab.
6) Go to 'Store Listing' tab. Here you can add the Title, Short description and a Full description of your app.
7) Now upload the app screenshots and an icon. Do you know how to take screenshots? Click here
Enter your app data. The form shows you how to fill in every field.
8) In the ‘Content Rating’ tab, you will have to fill in a questionnaire to give a rating of your app and to inform consumers about the right age to use the application, block or filter content in certain territories etc.
Just click the ‘Continue’ button to fill in the questionnaire and to assign your App a rating.
9) In the “Pricing and Distribution” you can indicate whether your app is free or paid and manage the countries in which it will be available.
10) Finally, once you have filled in the form, you can publish the app.