When we generate a preview of the App, to see how it looks like in a device, we often face some errors that don’t allow us to download the App demo.
In order to generate the demo we will have to fix that errors.
Let’s see the most common errors that we can face in before to generate the App preview:
1. Element [elementIndex] (text) of the information section "[sectionName]" does not have text in "Your Language"
This error says that in the indicated screen there is a Text Element with NO CONTENT (as in the following example).
If we used this text element to create space between elements, we have to delete it and to insert a separator instead of the text.But if we have just forgotten to insert the content, we will have to fill it in to make the error disappear.
2. The element 5 of the information section [screen name] does not have an established destination.
This error tell us that in a section "[screenName]" of the App we have an element with an action but we have left the destination of that action empty.
When we assign an action to an element, we always have to establish the destination.
For example if we assign the action: “Go to screen”, we have to indicate what screen to open.
3. The time manager of the section "[sectionName]" does not have an action defined.
This error says that the timer used in the indicated screen doesn’t have an assigned action. As in the following example, if we use a timer and we don’t assign it the action to execute, an error message will appear to remember us to assign it an action.
4. The time manager of section "[sectionName]" has defined an action which needs details to send
This error indicates us that we have assigned to the Timer the action : “Send to Script”, not allowed in this section of the app because it needs details to send through another section of the app, for example through a Form (in case to use the email sender script) or through an online text used in a database (in case of using a Calculate distance script).
5. The time manager of section "[sectionName]" has defined a section which needs a destination.
This message means that we assigned an action to the Timer but we have left the destination of that action empty.
When we assign an action to an element, we always have to establish the destination.
6. The menu "[sectionName]" is empty. It must have, at least one option.
This error appears when we create a new Option List screen and we have added no option inside the screen indicated.
In this case we will have to create at least one option to make the error disappear.
7. Option [optionIndex] from the menu "[sectionName]" does not have a name in [English].
This error says that, when opening an Option List screen and adding an option, we have inserted no text inside the button of the list.
We will have to write some text to make the error disappear.
8. Option [optionIndex] of the menu "[sectionName]" does not have an associated action.
This error says that one of the Option List buttons does not have an associated action because we assigned it the action: “No action”.
We will have to assign it a different action to make it work.
9. Option [optionIndex] of the menu "[sectionName]" is not defined correctly.
This error means that one of the button of the Option list has an action assigned but we have left the destination of that action empty. So we have to assign it a destination.
For example if we assign the action: “Go to screen”, we have to indicate what screen to open.
10. Element [elementIndex] (video) of the information section "[sectionName]" does not have a video assigned.
This error appears when we insert a Video element in a detail screen but we don’t upload any video. To solve the problem we have to upload a video by clicking on the “Select” button of the video element.
11. The agenda "[sectionName]" is empty. It must have a date, at least.
This error says that when creating a Calendar screen, we haven’t created a date.
We have to add at least one date to make it work properly.
12. The date [dateIndex] on the calendar "[sectionName]" is not correctly defined.
This error appears when in a Calendar screen we have a date where we have not indicated which screen to open to see the details of that date.
We have to indicate the screen to open, linked to this date.
13. The RSS/ATOM feed of the section "[sectionName]" has not been assigned to language
This error tell us that we have a RSS screen in which we have not inserted a URL to get the data from.
To make it work, we have to insert a valid RSS URL, compatible with the RSS format.
14. The web section "[sectionName]" does not have a defined web address.
This error says that the WEB screen created doesn’t have a URL address.
We have to insert a web url like: https://www., to make it work.
15. The Section "[sectionName]" does not have an assigned 'type'
This error shows us that we have created a new screen in the App but we haven’t assigned it a type ( detail, splash, interactive image etc.).
We have to choose a screen type in order to eliminate the error.
16. The dataview section "[sectionName]" has no view.
This error tell us that in a Data View we haven’t created a View (detail, list, gallery, web etc.).
Simply adding a destination for the action or eliminating the action will solve the problem.
17. The action "[actionName]" of the bar "[barName]" does not have an established destination.
This error says that in a Menu Bar that has already been created, we have assigned an action to an element (icon, text, table) without establishing the destination of the action.
When we assign the action: “Go to screen” to an element, we have to indicate which screen to open.
18. Element "[sequence]" (text) of the "[barName]" bar does not have text established.
This error says that in a Navigation Bar that has already been created, we have inserted a Text element which has no content.
To make the error disappear we have to delete the empty text or we have to insert some content inside.
Once you will have to fixed those errors, your App Preview will be ready to be downloaded.