If you have any technical problems and you don’t know how to solve them, you can ask for assistance from the Mobincube Technical Support.
In Mobincube you can create a ticket and send it to the Technical support by using two options:
Just access the Mobincube Help Center from this link: www.mobincube.com
Click the HELP button, up on the right
Now you are on the Mobincube Help page, where you'll find all the articles and tutorials about the features of the interface.
Just click the “Sign In” button, up to the right. A pop up will be open to let you access.
If this is the first time you sign in, you'll need to register your own account.
Just click the “Sign up” button on the pop up, as in the following image
Now just insert your Full Name and email and click the Sign Up button.
You will get an email to your own email to validate your account and create a password.
Now just enter your username and password to access your account and submit a request.
You can send a request by filling in the form which appears in the following image:
Put the SUBJECT, a DESCRIPTION, the APP NAME, your User Name and if you want you can also attach a file. Once you've clicked the SEND button, your request will be sent and managed by the Support Department.
You can manage your tickets from the "My Activities" section, up on the right, as in the following image.
Here you will see all the sent requests and the status of each one.
Another option is to submit a ticket directly from your own editor.
By entering your editor you will see a pink button down on the left, with the text: HELP.
Just click the button and type the text that you want to search.
The window will show the results with some articles related to your topic.
If the results are not satisfactory and you have a technical problem, you can submit a ticket to the Support Center by clicking the button "Contact us".
Simply insert your Name, Email address, your App Name and your Username and submit the request.
One of our Support agents will answer as soon as possible.