To login to Mobincube, just follow these simple steps:
Go to the Mobincube's Home Page:
1. Just click on "Login" on the upper right part of the screen:
2. You can login through your Gmail, Facebook, Twitter account, or through a Mobincube account that you have already created.
3. If you login through your Gmail account , a gmail window will be opened on the left side of the screen and you will insert the credentials that you usually use to login to your Gmail account.
4. If you login through the Facebook page, a login panel will be opened and you will insert the same credentials that you usually use to login to your Facebook account.
5. If you login through Twitter, a twitter login panel will be opened and you will insert the same credentials that you usually use to login to your Twitter account.
6. Finally, if you have a Mobincube account, you can login through the central fields, by inserting the username and password already created in Mobincube when you first signed up.

If your Gmail, Facebook or Twitter credentials don’t allow you to login, then you will have to check your username and password for those accounts and if you don’t remember the password, you will have to reset it through the gmail, Facebook or Twitter account settings.
If you insert a wrong username or password to login through the Mobincube login panel, an error message will appear.

If this is the case, just try to try again and make sure everything is spelled correctly.
If you don’t remember your Mobincube password, you can ask for a new one by clicking on the “Recover Password” button, below the Mobincube login fields and by inserting the email address that is connected to your Mobincube account.

Once you have successfully logged in to Mobincube, you will be redirected to the “My App” section were you can edit your account info, access your apps or start creating new ones.