Resume of the Incidence.
On the 23rd of November, a notice began to appear in the Google developer account of Google Play, indicating a problem with the changes in the policy affecting the ID developer's advertising.
The message appears as follows:
Due to this, you need to upload a new version of your App with the latest changes in Mobincube. With those changes the advertising providers have been removed given the lack of compatibility with the new policy of Google Play.
The definitive change in the generator was done at 10:00AM (GMT+1) on Wednesday November 26th.
To solve the problem, it is necessary, first, to publish a new version of your App in Mobincube and then download the APK of the new version to upload the update onto Google Play.
Solution to the Problem.
1º Publish your app in Mobincube: Link
2º Upload the new APK to Google Play as an update: Link
Related issues:
- It looks like Google is reviewing a lot of Apps and clearing out the apps that are old or break Google policies. If your App gets flagged in the update process, you should make a reclamation on their customer support service since we are detecting a lot of false positives in their automatic script.