Description of the changes:
Publishers are not allowed to encourage users to click AdMob interstitial ads. This includes any implementation that may encourage accidental clicks, such as including an interstitial ad in a way that prevents the display of the main content of the application or an interstitial ad placed in a way that interferes with navigation or interaction with content and functions.
Interstitial types that CAN'T be used in an app:
- Interstitial ads that appear before the application is opened or after it is closed.
- Interstitial ads that are triggered after a user closes another interstitial ad.
- Interstitial ads that unexpectedly loaded while a user is viewing the contents of an application. Remember to publish interstitial ads only between content pages.
- Interstitial ads that are activated after each user click.
- Interstitial ads that appear during gameplay or user interaction.
Impact on Apps created on Mobincube:
The apps created in Mobincube up to today behaved as indicated in points 3 and 4. So it is possible for the Apps published before June 27th to receive a notice from admob that the ad code has been blocked.
Solution to the issue with admob.
You need to republish, first in Mobincube and then in the store, all your monetized apps with admob. In case admob blocked the ad, indicate in the complaint mail that the necessary changes have been made to meet the regulations.
Using the Action to Open "interstitial"
According to the 4th point of the restrictions, to open an interstitial after a user clicks is also forbidden therefore such actions must be removed from the App. You can use the timer to open a interstitial but you have to put a 1 millisecond delay at most so Admob do not consider it to be a random opening.
The Mobincube team works as quickly as possible to adapt to changes imposed by third parties to give our users the maximum possible satisfaction. Our team has worked as hard as possible to have the changes ready just hours after the first reports by admob.
Mobincube Customer Support Team