Propiedades de la Aplicación
Inside this tab of the toolbar, the default properties of the application can be configured, affecting the whole Application. Above them the properties of a particular screen, set in the Screen Properties.
Let’s see all the properties we can edit in the App properties:
Header image
It allows us to add or delete a header image that will be used in every screen of the App by default. We only have to click on the button “Add Header” and upload a picture from the resource manager.
The header image will occupy some space of the screen of the app, so it is a good rule to insert an horizontal image that isn't too big, so that you don't lose space in the screen body of the App.
Environments Color
This icon allows us to change the colors of the environment of the App.
We can change the following settings:
- Background: To change the default background color of every screen.
- Separation lines: To change the color of the lines which separate the elements inserted in the body of a screen.
- Text: To change the default text color used in the App.
- Highlighted text: to change the default color of all highlighted texts of the App.
Resource Manager
It allows to open the resource manager to upload images, videos, audios Offline (local) and Online (URL) or from the Cloud server.
All the files stored into the Resource Manager will occupy space into the App, even if we are not using some files on the screens.
If we have the need to reduce the size of the App, it is a good idea to delete, from the Resource Manager, all the files stored there if we are not using them in the App.
Database Manager
When we need to see or delete some of the database created in the App, we can do that by clicking on the Database Manager icon. Here we can see the database (not modified) and delete it (if we are not using this database in a screen) by clicking on the bin icon.
Text font
This icon will allow us to change:
- Font: we can choose among Arial, Arial Bold and Serif Bold.
- Size. It changes the font size in : Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Huge.
'Option list' design
From the Option list design we can change:
- Type of list: Basic, List or Horizontal.
- Inactive and Active Buttons: For each Active and Inactive button we can choose the background color, the border color of the buttons and the text color.
- Button Curvature: We can also choose the level of curvature of the buttons, making it more straight or rounded and, in the case of horizontal buttons, we can choose: height, width and position on the screen.
Calendar design
The calendar design allows us to set the colors of all available options in a calendar screen: background colour, colours of the month names, colours of the selected day, etc.
A small Calendar on the left side of the calendar settings will show us the appearance of the calendar screen.
RSS design
The RSS design Icon allows us to set the color of the:
- Title
- Content
- Selected item and selected item text.
The selected item is the element which nudges the user.