These are the states in which we can find our Apps when they are sent to be published onto the AppStore or Market place under our Mobincube developer account.
You haven't yet sent your app to be published.
You have sent us the data and requested to publish your App. Depending on the queue of Apps we have, it might take between 24 and 72 hours until we start the process of revision. On a normal day we will try to publish it the same day.
In revision:
At this point, we are revising your App. We will notify you the result in a few minutes. Depending on the load we have, it is possible that we avoid this step and you will just receive the results.
Your App fulfills the requirements of publication and we will send it to the Store in a few minutes. Depending on the load we have, it is possible that we will send you a notification telling you that your App has been sent to the Store.
Sent to the Store:
We have generated your app in the Mobincube generator and completed the registration process on the Store. Your App has been sent to the different stores for its publication.
The time that an App is in this state varies depending on the Market. It is usually a few hours for MarketPlace and between 3 to 15 days for Appstore.
Your App hass been accepted by the Store and has been published. You can downloaded it to your cellphone.
The publications can be rejected by the stores or the Mobincube team if they don't fulfill the minimum requirements to be published. This issue mainly revolves around 4 main pillars: design, content, functionality and navigation. The publication team of Mobincube will always inform you of the changes you have to make so that your app can be published.
Waiting for changes:
It is necessary to make changes to the App for some reason. You will get a report by mail of the changes that you must make.