*** The confirmation email did not arrive to my email!
It happens sometimes that emails do not arrive to the receiver. Just try to log in to your new account, if you can login just forget about that email. But if you cannot log in to Mobincube, please write to us.
*** Can I make a game with mobincube?
Mobincube was not designed to create games, but some users have managed to make some simple games.
Now, however, this has changed with web screens where many users insert games made in html and javascript:
*** Can I create a login system or session control app with Mobincube?
No, it cannot be done. But you can always embed any html5 web page with those services on to Mobincube's Web screens.
Search for LOGIN in the search engine of this help page and you will find some examples.
*** How can I send an email from apps created with Mobincube?
There are various ways of using emails with mobincube:
Cloud: Forms - https://mobincube.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/201813498-Cloud-Forms
Details: http://support.mobincube.com/hc/en-us/articles/200416566-Detail
And another fancy way to use emails and Mobincube:
If you want your applications to able to send an email, you just need to assign an element, as an image or a text, the action "go to url."
When you assign this action, in the field 'destination' where you usually introduce the url, you must fill it with the next string:
You must replace the email with the address at which you want to send the email, you can choose any subject. Same for the content, you can set a content by default if you write it, or let the user write it. If you do not want content by default just delete '&body='
Remember: you must remove the 'brackets'([]) from the string.
*** How and when must I republish my app?
New versions must be republished every time you make changes inside the app and you want those changes to be available to users. If you want to make changes in the apps's data without having to publish again, you can always use the cloud or other external services.
*** ¿Where can I use forms?
Only in detail screens.
*** The simulation screen does not create a simulation from the main screen
Edition tab, screen tree on the right panel, change view to tree view, double click in the root, your app´s name, and then try the simulation again.
*** How long does it take for Apple, Windows and Google to review and publish the apps?
Apple can take from 1 week to 20 days. Usually around 10 days for every time they review an app.
Google does not take much time to review, it is usually ready in 1 day at the most.
Windows does it fast, in a few hours, but still we have some other problems with their publications. So sometimes it takes more time.
***Can I use PDF files with Mobincube apps?
Not naturally, but there are 2 alternative options:
To use a service like http://issuu.com/ and insert the URL in a web screen.
Or we can upload the PDF file to google drive, share the file and change its properties so it can be seen (but not changed).
Copy the URL and insert it to the web screen.
***Are there any reserved words or variables in Mobincube?
Yes, a few of them: http://support.mobincube.com/hc/en-us/articles/205086905-How-to-get-App-s-global-variables
***Can I use the web cam in my device with Mobincube apps?
Not really, but some devices will support using the web cam, such as a web page like this inside a web screen: