Apple has changed its publication guideline:
Now Mobincube apps are not banned for being generated with an app generator. Nevertheless the rest of the points must be accomplish, specially the quality and uniqueness of the apps.
Apple is strictly applying the point of 4.2.6 (Guideline 4.2.6 - Design - Commercialized Templates and App Generation Services) in the publication of the new apps and many of them are being denied for that reason.
Here is the text that Apple sends to you.
"We noticed that your app appears to be created from an app generation service or a commercialized template, closely resembling the look and feel of other apps on the App Store.
Apps produced using an app generation service or a commercialized template are not appropriate for the App Store.
Please reply to this message to indicate the app name and Apple ID of any apps submitted under your Apple Developer Program account that weren’t built using an app generation service or template.
Best regards,
App Store Review"
We're working on a solution for this problem, but it won't be an immediate solution.
Apps created with mobincube and published already don't have at this time any problem to be updated.