This module is used to redirect the user to a specific menu related to his language. You just need to compress the index.html in a ZIP file and upload it as a resource on a web screen.
This is the code of the file:
- You have to edit the index.html file to fit the needs of your App. Your App may have different languages than this file does at the moment.
- If you redirect the user to a screen that doesn't exists on your App, the App may crash since it doesn't know what to open. In this example, if your App doesn't have a screen named menuES and you don't remove that part of the code, the App will crash for all Spanish users.
- Screen names are case sensitive, which means that menuEN is not the same as MenuEN.
- You should have a default screen (it can be the same for the other language) for users that speak a language that your App doesn't have.
You can download the file here: