About the notice sent by Google on September 6, 2017 with subject :[Action required] Potential Google Play policy violation: 30-day warning, we have identified that may be due to:
- a massive google announcement sent to apps that collects user data
- not having activated the functionality of acceptance of privacy policies in-app that we include in March 2017
- not including the URL privacy policies in the google play tab http://www.myappterms.com/reader.php?id=1
To ensure that there is no problem within the term indicated by Google, we have reviewed and improved the content of the privacy policies and the code of the apps.
The creators of apps will have to:
- ensure that you have the option to display privacy policy alert enabled.
- generate a new version of your apps(remember the convenience of updating your apps periodically), download the APK and upload it to the play store.
- check that the privacy URL is http://www.myappterms.com/reader.php?id=1
- Launch the new release on the play store