email (share) info to my client
The app I am working on involves entering some info, and that info being mailed to my customer. also, a dropdown list with the customer choosing info and all that info being emailed to client.
I am probably missing how to do this, but would you please point me in the right direction?
Thank you
Check the forms:
And mailto:
If you want your applications to able to send an email from the application, you just need to assign some element, as an image or a text, the action "go to url"
When you assign this action, in the field 'destination' where you usually introduce the url, you must fill it with the next string:
You must replace the email with the address at which you want to send the email, you can choose any subject. Same for the content, you can set a content by default if you write it, or let the user to write it. If you do not want a content by default just delete '&body='
Remember: you must remove the 'brackets'([]) from the string.
And you can always use too a web screen:
The article
you mentioned 'When pasting this link in the PC web browser, a PHP script, that we have to put on our server or VPS (Virtual Private Server), will be generated.
For example
does that mean clienteX = my userID for mobincube ??
Just curious how the file exists on the server. Thanks. Sonny.
For that case, you need to have a .php file in your own web server.
You can use any service like this:
Hola, si ya hice una cuenta en .. y subi el script d mi formulario como puedo saber cual es la dirccionque debo poner en la app
En el app debes poner la URL completa del archivo.php online.
Por ejemplo:
simplemente la URL.
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