Setting Multiple Filters
I will try to be as simple and detailed as possible.
I am trying to apply multiple filters based on a selected Image.
I have 9 images with a level number, 1-9.
I have 9 images with a picture of Classes
I have a list of spell names.
I can filter easily with Spell Class (Wizard) Equals X and it will filter all the spells that are under the Wizard Column and show them in the list. Great.
What I need to do is also filter the level. (3) So the list only shows level 3 spells and Wizard.
So basically I need to filter level and the class of spell at the same time with 2 images. Then be able to select a different level or class and have it filter those on the list page. However I want to have all this done on 1 or 2 pages instead of hundreds. I was thinking a set command? Not sure how to implement it.
Set command allows you to store values in variables, and in databases fields, but I do not know how this would be useful for you.
This should work, if you selected an element in a list view before using the set action:
Set (databasename.fieldname) = value
But when the app is updated those changes made with set will be erased and used the database from the new binary.
Right so I have for example 4 filters.
Sname equals (MWDB.Wizard)
Sname equals (MWDB.Warlock)
Sname equals (MWDB.Mage)
Sname equals (MWDB.Sorcceror)
They all work perfect independently. However I have 4 images on the same Detail View. An image of a Wizard Warlock, Mage and Sorcerer. I want to be able to click the wizard image which will be a Go to Screen Spell List and show the wizard spells. I would also want to hit the Warlock on the same page which takes the same path. Go to Screen but with the Warlock filter not the Wizard. etc etc.
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